Abstract Arrangement | Mimosas Sunday | Grand Rapids

Wine and Canvas - Grand Rapids 2675 E Paris Avenue SE, Suite E, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Mimosa Sunday!🎨 Grab your friends and get creative while you sip on mimosas!🥂🎨🎉Mimosas special $10 with up to 5 refills! SIGN UP NOW! 💕

Lucky Gnome | Mimosas Sunday | Grand Rapids

Wine and Canvas - Grand Rapids 2675 E Paris Avenue SE, Suite E, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Mimosa Sunday!🎨 Grab your friends and get creative while you sip on mimosas!🥂🎨🎉Mimosas special $10 with up to 5 refills! SIGN UP NOW! 💕

Mysterious Trees | Mimosas Sunday | Grand Rapids

Wine and Canvas - Grand Rapids 2675 E Paris Avenue SE, Suite E, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Mimosa Sunday!🎨 Grab your friends and get creative while you sip on mimosas!🥂🎨🎉Mimosas special $10 with up to 5 refills! SIGN UP NOW! 💕

Bloom Tree – Caledonia

Logan's Roadhouse 1651 Marketplace Dr. S.E., Caledonia, MI, United States

Leave your cares at the door and get artsy with your painting at Logan's Roadhouse in Caledonia SIGN UP Now! Seating limited! ❤️
