About Ceviches by Divino Painting Events Fort Myers:
Ceviches by Divino offers Painting Events in Fort Myers. This family friendly Peruvian restaurant offers a delicious and fresh menu available to order.
Ceviches by Divino is new Gastropub with an industrial ambiance. Our distinct menu has been carefully prepared to highlight the authentic flavors of our homeland cuisine by properly presenting high level Peruvian Tapas, Rolls, Pokes as well as Ceviche’s. In addition a broad variety of the most popular craft beers and exceptional cocktails are available to pair with lunch or dinner perfectly.
Strategically located in Dani Drive, Fort Myers. They offer genuine Peruvian flavors in a relaxed atmosphere ideal to chill with friends and family.
We are excited to offer family friendly mobile painting experiences in Fort Myers at Ceviches! See what’s available on our EVENTS CALENDAR PAGE.
You can learn more about this venue by visiting their WEBSITE LINK.
Book a private party at Ceviches by Divino:
Contact us today to book a private painting party at Ceviches by Divino. Great for groups of 8-24 people. Visit our PRIVATE EVENT FORM for a free quote.
Ceviches by Divino Painting Events Fort Myers
7950 Dani Dr Ste 300 Fort Myers,
33966United StatesGet Directions